Syrris autumn european roadshow updates
The latest technology in chemistry is currently touring Europe along with our team of experts – read about our travels below!
Week 1: Bella Italia!
November 14, 2018
Ciao everyone! Remember we took the Syrris Roadshow to Europe in Spring of this year? Well, we had such a great time we’re back for round two: The Winter Tour!
Week uno (one) of the European Roadshow kicked off last week in bella Italia (beautiful Italy), with Marco Grasso and Vit Prchal behind the wheel of the van (though not at the same time, thankfully…)
Our first stop was a workshop in Bologna, in partnership with NIS Materials. Their CEO gave a presentation on new materials for industrial applications, and a postdoc student from the University of Bolzano gave an interesting presentation on Calorimetry for food applications. The workshop went well, and we had lots of interest in how we can improve lab processes, in particular with the Orb Pilot.
Next, we drove to Genoa, to the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), where we had great attendance for another workshop on flow and batch chemistry. There was a lot of interest in what Asia flow chemistry can do! Side note: It has to be said that we are very grateful when a site we visit has a lift to lug our heavy (and precious) chemistry kit up and down, because carrying that stuff up the stairs is torture! Vit and Marco are young and fit, but even they have their limits!
Our visit to the University of Milan followed, and it was our best event yet! Over 40 people attended, and several companies as well. Professor Antimo Gioiello presented the work he carried out with his Asia system to develop novel integrated systems for medicinal chemistry programmes. It was very well received, and no doubt contributed to the amount of people who approached us expressing an interest in purchasing Asia.
Staying in Milan, but this time joined by CédricFries (we said addio to Vit, who flew home on Sunday), we are currently residing at the Continuous Flow Reactor Technology conference (booth #20, if you’re in the area!) It finishes tomorrow, and then it’s onwards and upwards with the rest of the roadshow!